So, if you are friends with me on Facebook, you may be wondering about my post on Halloween about the ducks in our library. Our library has two duck decoys; one of which I let a student borrow as part of her Halloween costume as
Holden Caulfield. This is the story behind the ducks:
A few years ago, part of the senior prank at the school where I work was to put duck and goose decoys on one of the athletic fields. After the prank was over and the decoys were cleaned up, one went unclaimed. After sitting for months in the main office, I adopted him and brought him to the library.
The duck and me. Note the happy face behind us. It was truly a symbol of our brief friendship. |
The duck and I were only together for a few days. One of the parents of the seniors came back to claim him.
My friend, Lora, knew of my sadness. For Christmas that year, she gave me a pair of duck decoys. These are the ducks that currently live in our library.
Lurlene McDaniel is this duck's favorite author. What can I say? He is really into tragic teen romance. |
The ducks find themselves around the library in different places. The female is currently roosting in the cupboard where I keep the coffee, just to keep teachers on their toes.
Hi, there. |
I let the student who went as Holden Caulfield bring the duck home so that she could show her piano teacher her costume. The next morning, she relayed the following anecdote: the student left the duck in her mom's car overnight, as she didn't want to forget to return the duck. Her father didn't know about the duck decoy; when he went into the garage in the early morning, he was upset that there was a duck in his wife's car. Everything was cool once the student the duck was not real.
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